Contact us
For any questions, contact:
Jeremy Ferguson
Michael Hoefs
Welcome to Wrestling!
NP PAL Wrestling, Chatham and Summit youth wrestling programs are combined and wrestle together as one team named “Hill Valley Wrestling Club.“
NP PAL Wrestling is committed to building and supporting our youth wrestling program that fosters the development of character, sportsmanship, teamwork, work ethic, courage, community, respect and honesty in all of our student athletes.
2024-25 Season UPDATE
September 12 – October 15, 2024 (PK – 8th Grade)
November 11, 2024 – March 2025
NJYWL, Future Stars and KOM
$260.00* (does not include gear)
*Hill Valley Wrestling Club does not want cost to be a barrier to participation in wrestling. Please reach out privately and confidentially to Michael Hoefs (732-966-0164) or Jeremy Ferguson (646-946-3371) if cost is at all an issue.
Our HVWC gear vendor again this year will be Thompson’s Sporting Goods (522 Morris Ave, Summit NJ 07901 – Phone: 908-273-0660). Thompson’s is local vendor with decades of experience outfitting sports teams. The switch to a local vendor will allow your wrestler to go to the store to be fitted to ensure proper sizing.
All wrestlers competing for HVWC need to have, at a minimum, a singlet and warm up gear to wear in order to compete in our travel program. We have deliberately kept this year’s gear consistent with last year’s, so if are a returning wrestler and your gear still fits, you don’t need to order anything new.
The Team Store is now open and closes on October 15, 2023 in order to ensure it arrives prior to our first match, so please order asap. Once the store closes, it will not re-open, and if you miss the deadline you will need to go into Thompson’s to order directly, which will delay delivery and increase the cost.
We will be hosting a gear exchange (maybe two). Stay tuned for details and date(s), but the thought is to recycle gear that no longer fits your wrestler and pick up gear that will fit (example: Shoes, Singlets, Shorts, Sweats). If you have gear that you want to put into the exchange, please drop off at Drew Spitzer’s house (71 Rotary Dr, Summit NJ 07901).
Please check out this team store link.
Monday/Wednesday/Saturday: Novice (young wrestlers or those still getting comfortable with the sport) ||| Seeks to create skill-strong novice athletes who are prepared competently and confidently compete in live wrestling situations. The program will focus on body movement, fundamental skills, and creating an environment of fun to encourage passion around the sport. Those wanting to compete will be given options in select novice tournaments, KOM and/or Future Stars leagues.
Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday: Travel (Competition Teams) ||| Individuals will be competing in the Future Stars and NJYWL leagues based on skill level and experience. FOCUS: improving and refining technique by exposing athletes to a variety of wrestling styles, skills, and moves.
Jeremy Ferguson
HVWC, Wrestling Commissioner
Join us for the upcoming season!
New Providence PAL Wresting Program
Core Principles
- FUN: Wrestling is a sport. Sports are supposed to be fun. At its most basic level, having fun is the primary reason to engage in the sport of wrestling.
- PHYSICAL FITNESS: Wrestling provides student athletes with the opportunity to develop a wide range physical skills and attributes –strength, agility, stamina and athleticism. In the process, student athletes will develop a love for exercise and appreciation for physical fitness that will help to shape their lives going forward.
- TEAMWORK, CAMARADERIE & COMMUNITY: Wrestling affords student athletes the opportunity to work together in a dynamic team setting that develops a sense of shared purpose, teamwork, respect, camaraderie and community. Our student athletes will benefit from the shared experience and develop more quickly as individuals through the collective effort of the team.
- BENEFITS OF INDIVIDUAL CHALLENGES AND ACHIEVEMENT: While pursued in a team setting, wrestling is an individual sport at its core. Finding the internal resolve and courage to test oneself against another individual is a life altering experience that can help to positively shape an individual’s future.
- CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT: Wrestling develops character. The longer that individuals choose to participate in the sport, the more that basic premise rings true. The sport teaches, and ultimately requires, self-reliance, discipline, independent thinking, courage, passion, grit, toughness, honesty and self-confidence. It is a sanctuary where individuals can test their mettle and explore the limits of their potential – inevitably finding those limits and committing themselves to pushing them back. It provides the opportunity to reach for an uncertain goal with 100% of your heart and soul – requiring you to combine a well devised plan of action and reckless abandon simultaneously. It is where greatness can be achieved – not through the act of winning but rather summoning the courage step into the arena and truly go for it. When done properly, this process is invigorating, emboldening and fun. And yet, there is no mystery to it.
Coaching Principles
- FUN AND SAFE ENVIRONMENT: We will focus on creating a fun and safe environment for our children to experience the benefits of this great sport.
- FOCUS ON BASIC WRESTLING TECHNIQUES: We will teach a few basic wrestling techniques and practice them repetitively with the goal of providing a foundation for the sport of wrestling. These same basic techniques are applicable at the highest levels of national and international competition.
- PROCESS ORIENTATION OVER OUTCOME ORIENTATION: We will focus on learning how to learn while not being afraid to fail. We understand that nobody enjoys losing but recognize that a process orientation is crucial to longer term personal and athletic development.
- UNDERSTAND THE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS OF EACH CHILD: We recognize that each child is different – physically, mentally and emotionally. We appreciate that finding the courage to step out and challenge another individual can be intimidating and scary. We will attempt to understand and meet the needs of each child individually.
Practice Schedule
- CLINIC PROGRAM (K-3) Saturday mornings 9-10:30 at the Chatham Municipal Building (58 Meyersville Rd, Chatham NJ 07928)
- 6-7:30pm at the Chatham Municipal Building (58 Meyersville Rd, Chatham NJ 07928) and some Saturdays early in the season before the King of the Mat season starts.
- TRAVEL PROGRAM: Tuesday & Thursdays 6-7:30pm and Saturday Morning 9-10:30am at the Summit Middle School Mueller’s Gym (272 Morris Ave, Summit NJ 07901).
Competition Schedule
- Details will be forthcoming
If you’re interested in joining the program, below outlines the benefits for any athlete. If you’re ready to join, you can view our flier on this page, or sign up right now through COMMUNITY PASS.