Registration open May 1, 2024.
“A good cheerleader is not measured by the height of her jumps but the span of her spirit.”
Welcome to the New Providence PAL Cheerleading website. Our program is designed for children in Kindergarten through 8th grade. This is an instructional program where basic to advanced cheerleading skills are taught and practiced in a supervised setting under the guidance of Parent and Teen coaches. Our program provides spirit for our town’s fall flag football program and tackle football traveling teams.
Our goal is to help our cheerleaders develop confidence and leadership skills plus town-wide spirit, while emphasizing the importance of good sportsmanship and teamwork. Our program encourages each cheerleader to have fun, do their best and to represent New Providence in a positive manner.
We stand together in support of our team
United, committed, one motive one dream.
What we do is different unlike all the rest,
But somehow the same when we all try our best.
We don’t use a bat, a ball, or a net,
Just determination, and muscle, endurance, and sweat.
We cheer because we love the thrill of the game,
To motivate the crowd-nothing else is the same.
So don’t call us ditzy, and don’t call us cute,
Lose the misconceptions, seek out the truth.
Our spirit is endless, our hearts filled with pride,
Please look past the stereotype and see the athlete inside.

Registration for 2023
To register, go on line at All participants MUST be registered through Community Pass.
Registration info for 2023: (all squads)
- Early registration (May 1 – May 15), $110 Flag, $150 Tackle
- Regular registration (May 16 – June 15), $125 Flag, $175 Tackle
- Late registration will only be considered based on squad availability. To inquire about late registration, please email the commissioner at Late fee applies.
- Registration includes: Uniform Skirt and Vest, cheer practice t-shirt
- Anyone with financial concerns please reach out to the NP PAL President Jason Conti, or PAL Cheer Commissioner, Jenn Dowden. We want to make sure all kids have the opportunity to participate.
Contact Info
Jenn Dowden
(908) 240-4558
Other Details
Cheer Pictures (all squads):
Will be taken during Cheer Camp in August.
PAL Night (for grades K-8):
A night when the NPPAL Organization is announced onto the football field at Lieder prior to the start of a varsity game. Date: TBD (usually in October). Other fun events for the younger squads to cheer along with the older squads will be announced at a later date.
End of the Season Awards Celebration:
At the end of the season we will honor all of our participants in a short ceremony. Dates & location TBD (usually November). Additional parent volunteers needed.
Training Commitments
- Third grade will have the option of continuing at the flag level, or moving up to the tackle level depending on your level of interest and commitment. Choose either Flag or Tackle at registration.
- Please do not sign up for PAL Cheer if you cannot attend summer camp.
Flag (Grades K-3):
- August Cheer Camp/Practice: August19-23 (mornings 9-11 for K/1 and 9:00-11:30 for 2/3)-MANDATORY
- September/October Practice: Once a week. Fall practice starts 9/3/22
- Game Days: Saturday mornings (10:15 am for 2/3 and 11:30 am for K/1) and occasional Wednesdays in October.
Travel (Grades 3-8)
- MANDATORY August Cheer Camp/ Practice (Grades 4-8):
August 18-22 (Sun-Th) starting at 4:30 staggered to late evening for 2 hours because we are waiting for the NPHS Teen Coaches to finish practice - Fall Practice (Grades 4-8): Twice a week (T or W or TH (Coaches decide). Fall practice starts 9/5/23.
- Game Days (Grades 4-8): Sunday (sometimes Saturday) times & locations will post on Wednesday late afternoon, September – October
- *Post-Season Games*: If any of our football teams (grades 3-8) play in a Divisional play-off game or Consolation Bowl Game, our cheerleaders are expected to attend to show their support.
- MANDATORY August Cheer Camp/ Practice (Grades 4-8):
Home Game Locations
- Flag games –Oakwood Park
- Travel games – NPHS Lieder Field
- Uniforms for the flag and tackle cheer programs are provided by NPPAL Cheer and must be returned at the end of the season. Uniforms include skirt & sleeveless top. With registration, cheerleaders also receive a practice t-shirt.
- All cheerleaders are required to purchase the necessary accessories to complete the uniform:
- TRAVEL – purchase through PAL: briefs/shorts, midriff, green/gold/pink hair bow, sweatshirt, jacket; purchase on your own: cheer sneakers, black leggings, white ankle socks
- FLAG – purchase through PAL: briefs/ shorts, midriff, green/gold/pink hair bow, sweatshirt;
purchase on your own: black leggings, white ankle socks, all white sturdy sneakers.
A complete listing and estimated prices are listed below. Items in good condition can be reused if the styles have not changed.
Items can be ordered through Community Pass during registration or on uniform fitting days.
- Any family that fails to return their child’s uniform at the end of the season OR returns it damaged in any way that it’s deemed unusable, the family will be charged $75 for Flag Uniform and $150 Travel Cheer Uniform (cost of replacement). Reimbursement to NP Cheer is required.
Practice Dress Code
All cheerleaders must come dressed appropriately. Clothing must fit correctly, not too big or small. No jean shorts, no belly shirts, no jewelry, no fake nails, no slip-on sneakers or flip flops. All cheerleaders must come to practice in practice uniform, sneakers, and hair pulled up and back away from their face. NO EXCEPTIONS! Proper supportive cheer sneakers and dress code is an important factor in ensuring the safety of the cheerleaders.