Covid-19 Policies

The New Providence PAL believes youth sports provide important social and psychological benefits for the kids in our community, especially during this stressful time.  During each PAL season, we want to ensure the children can play in a safe manner. 

In order to do this, we encourage all of our families to continue following the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention promoted safeguards, such as:

  • Staying home when you are sick
  • Washing hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds
  • Covering coughs and sneezes and properly disposing of tissues
  • Limiting close contact with people who are sick
  • Not sharing food and drinks
  • Practicing social distancing
  • Wearing a face covering
  • Continuing to monitor your health for symptoms.

If you have any doubt about a COVID situation related to your child (possible exposure, symptoms, testing or quarantine), please err on the side of caution and skip a practice or game in the best interest of teammates, coaches, and other participants.

As a continued protection, PAL requires both temperature checks and parents’ completion of the health questionnaire prior to each practice/game.

If your child is waiting for COVID test results, no matter the type of test administered, your child is not permitted to participate in a PAL event.

If your child is diagnosed with COVID, please inform us immediately so we can take the appropriate steps. These steps include notifying the parents that someone associated with the team has tested positive.  The appropriate health professionals will perform actual contact tracing, and they will be reaching out separately to individuals identified as a close contact.

Please keep in mind if your child has been identified as a close contact by the school or Board of Health and is quarantining, they are not permitted to attend a team event during that quarantine.

Lastly, if a participant has traveled to an area that requires quarantine in the past 10 days,  he/she may not participate in PAL activities until the quarantine period is over. A disregard of any of these precautions may be referred to the PAL Board.