Team Rosters: Spring 2022
- 2nd grade GOLD
- 3rd Grade GOLD
- 3rd Grade GREEN
- 3rd Grade WHITE
- 4th Grade GOLD
- 5th Grade GOLD
- Middle School GOLD
- Middle School GREEN
- Middle School WHITE
Barrineau Jackson
Battaglia Jeffery
Bhor Raajan
Doran Michael
Glaydura AJ
Hamm Drew
Hourihan Henry
Hsieh Evan
Killian Ryan
Lake Sean
Liu Ryan
Merrigan Brady
Meulener Robert
Pollak Owen
Virella Bryan
Capko Dylan
Castellano George
Cronin Thomas
Howell Brayden
Jacobs Bradley
Linnehan Rex
McAneny Jack
Novak Cooper
Olszowy Gregory
Rios Jake
Rouse Brendan
Rooney Jack
Arnold Lucas
Ayars Chase
Batsford Jack
Brandman Devin
Howell Ben
Krishnan Aarav
Lim Cameron
Lim Spencer
McGuinness Owen
Michal Maxwell
Naik Hiran
Alyana Alexander
Conti Joseph
Cutler Declan
Dabney Charles
Garcia Adrian
Gigliotti Michael
Hopler Joseph
Lotrowski Jacob
Maloney Tristan
Petino Dylan
Wetzel Drew
Cronin Daniel
Foley Liam
Gagliardotto Chase
Grudberg Milo
Kapoor Devan
Lapoff Matthew
Naughton Rory
Patel Milan
Reilly Braeden
Tomlinson Zach
Chapman Nicolas
DeLuca Julian
Espaillat Joseph
Kornacki Alek
Linnehan Conner
Martin Finegan
Medler Charlie
Montrone Jason
Montrone Jack
Montrone Thomas
Niedzielski Drew
Nilan Shawn
Pierce Cameron
Benward Christian
Connor Brian
Cumiskey Devin
D’Amico Brody
Faucher Troy
Keneally James
Kruep Andrew
Mallya Karthik
Morales Noah
Petses Michael
Porretti Daniel
Santacross Matthew
Weiss Zachary
Babbitt William
Chomiak Alexander
Feuerstein Lucas
Lagana Thomas
Lake Aidan
Mack Quinten
Muller Rudy
Palschakov Luke
Rust Ryan
Scannicchio Matthew
Schmidt Michael
Xenakis Nicholas
Yarnall Chase
Bramwell William
Buell Derek
DeRosa Henry
Giunta Jack
Graziano Nicholas
Grudberg Samuel
Killian Connor
Kim Zion
Pierro Jack
Vardas Christopher
Venza Joseph
Wagner Hunter
2022 Baseball FAQs
If you have any concerns or questions, please email
- How are rosters formed?
PAL Baseball rosters will be based off grade levels, number of players registered and independent evaluations. The grade levels are 2nd through 8th grades. There will be some instances (eg. to create an additional team) where it is necessary for children not to play with their grade. If this is needed, it will be discussed with the child’s parents first before implementing. - What is my child evaluated on during the tryout?
The player evaluations will consist of the following: Batting, Throwing, Fielding & Attitude - What should I expect for my 2nd – 6th Grade player?
2nd–6th graders will be positioned on a Gold, Green or White team upon completion of the tryouts. 2nd – 6th Grade Gold team players will most likely play in the Spring Ridge League (weekends only), Cal Ripken Tournament (June/July) and stay together for summer Baseball. *Please note that if your child is selected to a spring Gold team, they are expected to play in the summer league as well. Green and White teams will play in the USABL League (Sundays only) in the spring season. All teams will begin spring baseball in mid/late March and end before Memorial Day weekend. Summer baseball will begin in mid-June (before school ends) and run through the end of July. All teams will participate in the NPPAL Green League on weekday evenings. - What should I expect for my Middle School player?
Based on the high number of registrations, the PAL is able to offer three Middle School teams comprised of both 7th and 8th graders for the spring season. Selection of the teams is not based on grade level, instead it will be a combination of both grade levels based on evaluations. The Gold team will play in the spring in a local Middle School League with non-parent head coaches. The Green and White teams will most likely play in different divisions within a USABL league on Sundays during the spring. All 7th and 8th grade players not selected for the Middle School Gold Team are encouraged to participate with the NP REC teams that play in the Chatham Baseball league. 7th and 8th grade summer teams and league placement will be determined at a later date. - Will my child be required to play on a REC and PAL team in the spring?
REC is not required, but strongly encouraged. The REC department reserves the baseball fields each weeknight during the spring so there are very limited field options for the PAL. Historically, 5th/6th and 7/8th have played in travel rec leagues with neighboring towns. Every player can use the extra time playing baseball with their friends! - Will PAL support any spring tournaments?
Yes, the PAL will support spring tournaments and we aim to send the 4th & 5th grade Gold teams to Aberdeen, Maryland. - In 2021, there were 3 second grade teams, one gold and 2 evenly split. How are the teams formed for 2022?
There will be 3 third grade teams this year, however, players are assigned based on the evaluations, meaning there is an “A”, “B” and “C” team. - Are there summer High School teams?
The PAL will help facilitate the creation summer teams that will have paid coaches. These teams will not play in the spring as they are potentially committed to NPHS. Registration for these teams will open in the spring. - What about 1st graders?
First grade team formation will be for the summer only and tryouts are not required.- What is the cost?
If your child plays in both the spring and summer, the cost is $500, billed in 3 installments: - ~ October ($100)
- ~ December ($150) Spring
- ~ March ($250) Summer
- What is the cost?
League Rules / FAQ
Batting Lineup & Extra Hitters
Minimum Playing Time
Tagging Up
Home Field Mercy Rules
- Time Limits
- Physical Attributes of the Field
- Any Rule that nay effect the outcome of the game.
If the Home Field Team does not submit these Home Field Rules Prior to the game to the visiting team and Umpire…we will Rule that the game must continue at a later date. “Rescheduling Games” Please be aware the schedule is flexible. The coaches in our league have always been very accommodating and they understand the importance of playing games. Last year we experienced issues with the ability to play all games due to amount of rain we received. There are plenty of days built into the season to reschedule games due to conflicts with inclement weather. We strongly urge you to reschedule your games early to middle of the season… in order to avoid missed games at the end of the season. We prefer all the games to be played.
Playoff Mercy Rule
Playoff Official Game
Who pays the umpire fee during playoffs?
Suspended Games / Roster Additions
Age Chart
2019 changes
to PAL’s Baseball program
Fostering sportsmanship is at the center of our mission, and to that end we ask that all athletes, coaches, officials and attendees observe the following pledge:
Sportsmanship Pledge
I pledge to take ownership for my behavior both verbal and physical while attending, coaching, officiating or participating in a any sporting event and shall adhere to the following code of conduct:
- I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
- I will encourage my player, or any other person, to engage in good sportsmanlike conduct with all coaches, parents, players, participants, and officials.
- I will not engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety or well-being of any coach, parent, player, participant, and official.
- I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety or well-being of any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
- I as a coach, player, parent, official will not use drugs or alcohol while at a youth sports event and will not attend, coach, officiate or participate in a youth sports event while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Penalty: League Ejection (Adults), (Players) League Ejection.
- I will not permit my child, or encourage any other person, to use drugs or alcohol at a youth sports event and will not permit my child, or encourage any other person, to attend, coach, officiate or participate in a youth sports event while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- I will not engage in the use of profanity both verbal and jestures. Penalty: Game Ejection + 1 Game Suspension (Adults), (Players) Game Ejection .
- I will not encourage my player or any other person, to engage in the use of profanity.Penalty: Game Ejection + 1 Game Suspension (Adults), (Players)Game Ejection .
- I will be respectful to all coaches, parents, players, participants, officials or any other attendee with respect regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or ability.
- I will encourage everyone to act with respect towards all coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or ability. Penalty: League Ejection (Adults), (Players) League Ejection.
- I will not engage in verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee. Penalty: League Ejection (Adults), (Players) League Ejection.
- I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.Penalty: League Ejection (Adults), (Players) League Ejection.
- I will not initiate a fight or scuffle with any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee. Penalty: League Ejection (Adults), 4 Game Suspension Player first offense, 2nd offense League Ejection.
- I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to initiate a fight or scuffle with any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
The NPGL will enforce the penalties. The NPGL has the right to impose season suspension or multiple seasons suspension if the extent of the infraction warrants.
The following is a pretty good note from Texas Rangers manager Jeff Banister….
If you talk to your child while they’re competing — even from a distance, even in a whisper — that’s all they can hear. And it’s the last thing they need to hear. When you are on the field as an athlete, especially as a young athlete, the people you do not want to disappoint the most are your parents. And when a child hears a parent’s voice, especially one telling them what “they’ve done incorrectly or need to do more of”, it adds to the tension and the anxiety. When you’re there and you’re cheering and you’re clapping and lending support, their feeling is so much greater. They’re going to compete harder. They’re going to focus. … When they hear the clapping they know they did something good.
When my son started playing ball, I used to shout things from the stands. I used to think it was being “helpful” and “supportive.” That glower should have told me otherwise. Now I shut up during games. Don’t say a word — just cheer and clap, that’s it. And now the boy plays with a smile — even after a strike-out. I’m not his coach. I’m his dad. His cheerleader. His biggest fan.