Our Winter Baseball Clinic is hosted by NPPAL and the NPHS Baseball Coaching staff.
Grades 3rd through 8th >> Registration now open >> Clinic runs 1/7 to 2/25
Take advantage of this special opportunity for your son to improve his baseball skills indoors this winter to prepare for the upcoming Spring season and PAL Baseball tryouts. For the 8th graders, meet and work with the coaching staff your boys will be playing for in the coming seasons.
LOCATION: New Providence Middle School Gym
COST: $100 for (7) 1-hour sessions, beginning January 7th and ending February 25th (no session on Super Bowl Sunday, February 4th)
SESSIONS: will be as follows: (Subject to change depending on registrations) 5:30-6:30 (3rd and 4th Grade) 6:30-7:30 (5th and 6th Grade) 7:30-8:30 (7th and 8th Grade)
Space is limited so register today!